Virtual Book Tours, Blog Hops, Christian Books Sales and Getting the Word Out, It's All Good

Today, one of the hot book marketing concepts is virtual book tours. While I have seen some good results for various authors, I've also heard negatives from other authors. Actually, it doesn't make sense to me, because I like the concept and have watched it grow over the years. However, what I have heard is that basically author's are giving away books, gifts and sometimes cash for a moment in the spot light. Of course one must also take into account the book subject matter, if the author is a multi-published author and especially the book cover because all of these are important when it comes to book sales. Especially the book cover as that is the very first thing that a book lover sees. Regardless, I love the title and the service sounds exciting.

I do know of a Christian membership of authors with Christian sites that offer blog hops with success that I would be happy to recommend. I've seen and heard great results through their efforts and especially with regards to Amazon sales. If you would like to connect with them, simply email us at ... I have known the director for many years, she is a blessing to know and truly loves to help Christian authors share God's love around the world. She is also a multi-published author.

If you would like to know how you can get your Christian book on hundreds of Christian sites not simply as a one time or three month tour, but for a entire year or more, contact CBM Christian Book Marketing.
CBM Christian Book Marketing offers great book marketing packages for the Christian author.

In closing, anytime a author can increase their online presence, they are taking the right steps. Press forward in all that you do, get the word out and trust the Lord for the rest. Go hoping, go touring, go with one a CBM's 100 site marketing packages because no one can buy your book if they don't know it exist and can't find it.