Quest for Light – Adventure of the Magi by Byron Anderson offers an amazing fiction adventure novel shedding light on the birth of Jesus Christ. Perfect for this Christmas season, Anderson presents a fascinating tale that will not soon be forgotten! Beginning with Balthasar, the High Priest of Asdin, his obsession with the star over Bethlehem is all-consuming as he anticipates in his soul that something magnificent is about to happen. Summoning his experts and the three Magi, known as royalty and as high priests, the Magi set off on an action-packed adventure filled with bandits, sand storms and the meeting of many travelers along the road.
Written with a biblical historical perspective of the birth of Christ, the Messiah, this is a tale of anticipation of the greatest event to take place in a little town called Bethlehem. Come experience the ancient of days, as the three Magi begin the sojourn to fulfilling prophecy, told centuries before as they come to believe in the Hebrew Messiah, revealing the reality of the birth of the Messiah and His reign as the one true God. A wonderful, inspiring and encouraging read that will leave a yearning for more of this Messiah – Jesus Christ.
Be sure to visit the author at his website Byron Anderson for more information. You may also get your copy of Quest for Light – Adventure of the Magi at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.
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