Title: Life-Ology 101: If All Else Fails, Smile
By: Michael Soward
Review Date: October 31, 2013
A Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
An incredible true- story of a young African American boy growing up in rural Arkansas during the turbulent 60's. Remarkable and memorable – CBM Book Reviews
Life-Ology 101: If All Else Fails, Smile by Michael Soward offers a poignant memoir of his life through the troubled times of the 60's and 70's as a young African American boy growing up in the segregated South – taking place from a small, rural town in Arkansas, Michael Soward's life gives hope to others by offering his life story openly and honestly, inspiring other's to look to God and exhibiting that life is woven together by experiences – good and bad. Beginning in a small tar papered shack, the author openly reveals his life with his younger brother, Gregory, being raised by their elderly grandmother. Abandoned by their father and knowing their mother had passed, life in rural Arkansas was difficult. The author tells of his childhood trauma receiving many beatings from his grandmother until blood was drawn. Work started at age six for young Michael in the cotton fields – which is an experience in its self. His story is unique, and heart breaking at times, yet offers refreshment from a perspective of someone who lives to tell the history of the times, involving the 60's, the Vietnam War, the 70's and the many changes America experienced through these times in history's past.
What you will find in his story is an encouraging nudge forth to look upwards to God teaching the reader to learn to just smile – throughout the good and the bad. He offers his story as an epilogue of faith that there is a God, and in fact, life is without tribulations, but we can still look up and smile. This is a delightful read for those that enjoy true-life stories that shed light, like a "spiritual flashlight" that leads others to their salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. This book helps others to "count their blessings" and inspires others to live a life loving others. A wonderful and highly recommended read!
You may get your copy of Life-Ology 101: If All Else Fails, Smile at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.