Christian Book Releases - Running with the Grasshoppers

Title: Running with the Grasshoppers
By: R. Mark Webb
Review Date: December 26, 2013
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

R. Mark Webb writes Running with the Grasshoppers, giving hope and encouragement through insightful examinations of scripture, describing and giving fuel for the faith journey.  As the author writes, the Israelites stood at the edge of the Promised Land.  They were faced with a choice of whether to trust God, or run away feeling like an insignificant grasshopper.  All of us face that same choice when standing before overwhelming challenges to our own faith.

Each short chapter encapsulates four elements: The Word, The Insight, The Expression and The Reflection that inspire, instruct and proclaim the truth of God's promises.  Although the faith road is inevitably marred with difficulties, depression and discouragement leaving one perplexed and feeling as though God is distant, this book reveals the true God and how to stand firm in faith to receive His promises through many biblical characters.  This is a wonderful synopsis of the many promises of God there for the taking to those who persevere in faith. 

Running with the Grasshoppers is well written, filled with scriptures and each chapter can be navigated as a daily devotional for the individual or perhaps facilitate a small group setting.  Presenting inspiration, encouragement and a great resource to aiding in building faith through the Word of God and the promises of God, this book comes highly recommended as a Now season book: one to read, absorb, stand on and proclaim over one's life.  R. Mark Webb offers biblical wisdom that is impeccable!    
For more information about the author, his book and his ministry, visit Running With The Grasshoppers. Expand your faith journey and get your copy of Running With The Grasshoppers today at Amazon and in Kindle Edition.

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