Get It In Kindle Edition - Be Ye Transformed by Bishop Sheldon D. Newton

Bishop Sheldon D. Newton authors his latest release in Be Ye Transformed.  As a Bible teacher, preacher of the Gospel, seminar leader and prolific author, Bishop Newton delivers the Word of God with clarity and understanding.  His mission is to equip believers on how to live in victory and walk in close communion with God. He is the Senior Pastor of Jesus Christ Centered Ministries International, located in Nassau, Bahamas.  Bishop Newton has preached and taught the life transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for over thirty years. 

Be Ye Transformed gives Christians the tools they need to be all they were created to be in God.  You are a new creation, but God has given you the responsibility of renewing your mind.  With practical application and sound biblical doctrine, Bishop Newton takes a believer through the born-again process explaining each step with scripture.  This is a highly recommended book for those that desire the fullness of Christ in their lives.  Christ came to set us free, but if you don't understand the freedom that is available to you or how to get it, life will be full of frustration and disappointment.  In this book the author has written an excellent read to fully equip the body of Christ, giving them the tools in understanding who God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are while shedding light on what it means to be born-again, growing in the spirit and walking out the Christian walk by the renewing of the mind.  A highly recommended read!  

You may get your copy of this exciting life changing book, Be Ye Transformed at Amazon and in Kindle Edition. Be sure to visit the author at, Sheldon D. Newton.

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