CBM Book Review
Nuggets of Gold to Feed the Soul by Dr. Joe Judkins merges seven books into one, offering his own spiritual journey and golden nuggets from the Word of God that speak truth, leading others to eternal life and belief in Almighty God. With honesty, openness and wisdom, the author constructs a book that speaks of the world, man in relation to eternity, giving much scripture, teaching and exhortation to help individuals find the path of salvation is only in Jesus Christ. Revealing, intriguing and thought-provoking dialogue open the book to scriptural analysis that is easy to understand as the author explains the way of the Kingdom in this compilation of his own spiritual discovery. With firm biblical perspective, the author writes in hopes of leading all to knowledge and belief in Jesus Christ.
This book offers one a broad spectrum approach to what Christianity is, what being born again is, the question of religion, salvation, eternity and Heaven, with scriptural analysis of the many, many questions one might have. One will find analysis on 10 reasons why you exist, salvation, and foundational doctrines from Genesis to Revelation that include the making of man in God's image to discussion of the last day events. From there the author delves into a section on husbands love your wives and continues with a biblical perspective of devils, demons, angels and the spiritual realm. Such teachings disclose the importance of forgiveness, faith, crucifying the flesh, judgment and so much more. A great deal of information is given, all biblically supported by scripture, unveiling man as a spirit, Jesus Christ as the Messiah and King that is soon to come, giving one a firm understanding of salvation in Jesus Christ.
After reading this book, one will understand if in fact they will go to Heaven. Unbelievers, skeptics, critics and atheists alike are invited to take a peak into this book and make a decision-not based upon opinion, doctrine or theology, but only upon the inherent, infallible Word of God. The book reveals that there is only one God, Jesus Christ and that one day He will not only judge all, but rule all. An amazing and highly recommended read.
Title: Nuggets of Gold to Feed the Soul
By: Dr. Joe Judkins
Review Date: May 19, 2014
A CBM Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
You may get your copy of Nuggets of Gold to Feed the Soul at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at other fine online bookstores. Be sure to visit the author at Ok My Lord for lots of great information and ministry.
Book Review by CBM Christian Book Reviews.