In Marriage from Roots to Fruits, the author as a licensed professional marriage counselor, gives understanding to your personal design by God that includes your identity and a step-by-step journey of growth in God and within a marriage. He unveils marriage as designed by God that was intended to be an environment where one can grow and prosper.
Marriage from Roots to Fruits: Understanding God’s Design for Growing in Good Soil by Matt Pavlik is a solid, biblical Christian marriage book and study guide that gives hope for troubled marriages when failure is not an option. As most know, the divorce rate is at a staggering rate in the U.S. Most couples are bombarded with a myriad of issues that come from encounters with the world’s darkness, sin and the enemy.
- Title: Marriage from Roots to Fruits:
- Understanding God’s Design for Growing in Good Soil
- By: Matt Pavlik
- ISBN #978-0986383106
- A CBM Book Review
- 10.0 out of 10.0 plus stars
The author presents a fascinating and insightful read that teaches one who you are in God and what marriage was created for. He has created a guide, divided into 3 parts as: Spiritual Foundations, Individual Growth & Marital Growth to help readers recognize that good fruit comes from good trees. Therefore, he starts from the root of issues to produce godly fruit. This takes readers within a marriage, individually, or within a small study group, on a journey of self-discovery to enable them to put God back into the picture. Thus, producing a fruitful harvest the way God designed marriage to be enjoyed.
As a reviewer that has reviewed hundreds of books, many which are on marriage, this book stands out as one of the best that I have had the pleasure of reviewing.
Highly recommended as a read that is not only biblical, but practical.
Visit the author at Marriage From Roots To Fruits, Christian Concepts and New Reflections Counseling for more information. You may get your copy of Marriage from Roots to Fruits by Matt Pavlik at Amazon.