The Canadian Wilderness


A wonderful must read book, exciting, and invigorating, as the authors childhood memories come alive as she begins the telling of being raised in a small rural town in the 1950’s. 

New Book Release

Let's go back in time to the Canadian wilderness, full of adventure and fun from Barbara’s life to yours, offering exciting insight into an era long gone. ~ CBM Christian Book Marketing

Hailing from Killarney, Canada – Author Barbara L. Vanderstel presents Front Porch Tales, reminiscent of an era gone by, offering a glimpse of her family’s heritage as a farm family in the Canadian wilderness. 

Enduring harsh climates, blizzards, and snow up to the rooftops, life was filled with hard work, fun, country dances and summer time memories from the view of Barbara’s front porch. Enchanting and endearning, Vanderstel offers the taste of life during those days growing up in the Saskatoon country, and a rich family heritage full memories that transcend time and remind others of the value of hard work, family, love, trust in God and the importance of community.

Barbara L. Vanderstel has fond memories of growing up in the Canadian rural farmland. After taking a two-year writing course, Barbara discovered her love of writing and began to write A Book of Love in 2012 and Front Porch Tales in 2014 as a memorial to her family heritage. She has believes everyone has a story to tell. She encourages all to look up to heavenly things, and to not focus on earthly things (Colossians 3:2). 

Barbara's life motto and one that she teaches all is to never give up on their dreams. Her writings inspire and encourage others to appreciate where they came from and to love God with all your heart, mind and strength.

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