A highly recommended book for the Christian Fiction lover. Filled with Biblical undertones, a riveting saga, O’Dell reveals the spiritual realm, highlighting the battle of evil behind the scenes, that have relentlessly attacked God’s creation from the beginning - mankind. Ultimately, ending in Jesus’ great forgiveness for all who would believe. A great fictional read. ~ CBM
In this page turner, The Nephilim Project: A Demon’s Chronicle by Steve O’Dell is a fast-paced adventure extrapolating from historical and Biblical movements of history such as David’s epic battle against Goliath, and Jesus’ crucifixion. Some are telling as to “what it might have been like” in those days, but still, fiction at its best, intertwining the dark plots of evil upon an innocent world.
Lucifer, known as the Prince of the Air, and his forces wreak havoc in an unfettered, and strategic assault. Utoneious speaks about his exploits and recoils at the telling of his part along Lucifer’s side, as he tells of the exploration of the great regions of space. The author portrays the realities of the spiritual realm with intensity and realism, combining truth, logic, the supernatural.
Waiting for Earth’s demise – their (Lucifer and his fallen angels) goal is to keep man separated from God. Revealing the supernatural realm from the demonic perspective, the battle is depicted through this statement by a demon, “We need to bring about a complete and comprehensive seduction, persuading men there is no judgment.
Satan demands their loyalty either knowing or unsuspecting. Give them the earth, wooden idols, or golden gods to worship; it matters not. These things bring the same end. If we cannot escape Hell neither will man. Obey me, and mankind will also suffer the wrath of God!” Compelling, to say the least!
Further revealing such great events like the Great Flood being God’s judgment due to man’s increasing wickedness, the story unfolds with Noah and his family and their departure from the Ark to a destroyed and water deluged Earth.
As the only remnant saved by a righteous God, Noah is to begin again, and to reclaim and replenish the Earth once more. Depicting the struggles that Noah and his family must have faced after the Flood makes for an interesting read. As the story progresses, a deeper evil is revealed, a power that is controlled by Satan as mankind fights for survival – The secret of the Nephilim is revealed.
Captivating, this novel involves a deeper story, one that is of spiritual warfare. The author opens worlds that are not visible, but still exist, to the reader, giving them challenging scenarios to contemplate as evil declares war upon humanity. Stating that, “Faith and love are the driving forces of redemption, and the two concepts reflect the nature of God.” in this aspect, this a deeply inspiring read, one filled with intrigue and suspense as the plot deepens with many twists and turns that also involve subplots of the Knights of the Templar and a holy relic.